裏の意味を思うと俺の神経は擦り切れそうだ 言外の意味がこの混乱の元凶なのか 言葉がステレオタイプを招くってことは 分かってるけれど この悪意や憎悪はどう説明するんだ? ※ 好きでここに来たわけじゃない ただ生まれただけさ 割礼を受け分類され忠誠を誓わされた だからといって白い肌をしてるせいで こんな仕打ちを受ける筋合いはない 俺は陰謀を企てた連中とは違う 俺はただのそこらにいる男なんだ ※ 俺が忌み嫌うものの代表 洗脳するために口につっこまれた石鹸 羊の集団 糊のきいた真っ白なワイシャツ 血管が収縮し頭に血が行かなくなる 連中はアタマに来るほど典型的白人 ※ この方がいいっていうのか? 言いたいことを声に出して言うがいい さぁ俺にレッテルを貼るがいい このボケめ 俺は自分の行動には責任を持つぜ でも白人だからという責めは負わない ※
Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white The connotations wearing my nerves thin Could it be semantics generating the mess we're in? I understand that language breeds stereotype But what's the explanation for the malice, for the spite? Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white I wasn't brought here, I was born Circumsized, categorized, allegiance sworn, Does this mean I have to take such shit For being fairskinned? No! I ain't a part of no conspiracy, I'm just you're average Joe. Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white Represents everything I hate, The soap shoved in the mouth to cleanse the mind The vast majority of sheep A buttoned collar, starched and bleached Constricting veins, the blood flow to the brain slows They're so fuckin' ordinary white Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white We're better off this way Say what you're gonna say So go ahead and label me An asshole cause I can Accept responsibility, for what I've done But not for who I am Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white Don't call me white, Don't call me white